Mar 25, 2024

Wash Away Your International Payment Risk With LiquidTrust

Wash Away Your International Payment Risk With LiquidTrust

As our world grows smaller, global payments are increasing.
As our world grows smaller, global payments are increasing.
As our world grows smaller, global payments are increasing.

Risk is a common issue for all parties engaged in cross-border business transactions under $250,000. For larger entities with in-house counsel, formal contractual engagements and a variety of implements they can use to verify and enforce each step of their arrangements, international payments may seem simple already. 

However, for small businesses and their vendors who are more likely to be taking a leap of faith without as big a net, having LiquidTrust automatically include full escrow protection saves them a whole lot of dollars and makes a whole lot of sense. 

Did You Know 43% of All Small Businesses Sent Cross-Border Payments Last Year?

As the economy continues its inevitable trend toward being completely digital and global, millions of small businesses and an even larger number of vendors are seeking to do business beyond their borders. Whether you are a board game designer in Seattle seeking to acquire pre-printed components from a manufacturer in China, or a surf shop seeking to important the best raw materials from Costa Rica, many of the traditional tools you might use to pay your distant vendors begin to break down.

Some payment services are carefully restricted to payments from one party to the other when each resides within the United States, others offer no protection from being scammed by a far away fly-by-night entity that accepts your money and fails to hold up their end of the bargain. Even the services that do claim to provide international payments with some level of protection saddle their customers with exorbitant fees and convoluted onboarding procedures. 

Only LiquidTrust offers a seamless experience from signup, to escrow, to final payment with a border-agnostic platform that includes your own unique bank account and a prearranged arbitration solution to quickly resolve any disputes between the parties.

Why engage in agreements where you are either the buyer paying in advance and praying the work gets done, or the supplier providing your best goods and services first, so that you can keep working with the looming possibility of non-payment being dangled over your head? There is a better way to do business and we are here to help!